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Having a career as a dental assistant is a great opportunity to work with others in the dental profession. The most common staff you will work with in a dental facility are Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and the Receptionist. It is very important that you forge quality relationships with the other staff you work with. The smaller the dental facility, the more important it is as everyone will have to work well together to allow the facility to function properly. 

 Since you will be present for the procedures conducted by Dentists and Hygienists, patients will quickly pick up on any staffing issues. I went to a dentist for years. He was great to me and my children. However, he continually was impatient with his staff, especially the Dental Assistants. We went for cleanings every six months. We loved the Dental Hygienist. However, she was often in tears over is behaviors. We also noticed that the Dental Assistant staff changed almost every time we came in. It didn’t take too many years before he went out of business because patients were tired of seeing the behaviors and he couldn’t find help that would work for him. 

Communication skills are a great asset for any profession, but as a Dental Assistant it is a must. You will be interacting with patients, staff, insurance companies, and family members of patients. It is very important you are able to make everyone feel comfortable and that you convey the message that you are approachable. Poor communication skills can result in your career as a Dental Assistant not working out for the long haul.

To ensure proper communication among staff members, dental facilities need to arrange trainings. These should be informative, explaining to everyone what is expected as far as interoffice relationships. It should be clearly stated that lack of respect for co-workers will not be tolerated. Policies and procedures should also be in place for employers to resolve any conflicts with other employers. Everyone should know where they are to report and such issues that they can’t work out with the other staff member or members. 

Many dental facilities require staff members to attend communication workshops. These are often very fun and interactive workshops, showing more effective methods of communication. They generally include information on individual communication as well as group efforts. These workshops are conducted by individuals who customize the workshop to meet the needs of your group. This makes the sitting more intimate and usable in your dental facility. 

To help alleviate stress and issues among co-workers, each staff member should be made aware of what other staff members are responsible for. Many inter-office struggles are the result of workers believing others are not carrying the same weight. Most employees complete tasks behind the scenes, so this assumption is based only on what is being seen on the front lines. 

Effective communication is essential in the role of Dental Assistant. It is imperative to your career that you understand various communication styles. It is also very important that you are aware of your own communication style. You want others to view you as enthusiastic about your job and willing to assist in anyway possible. 

Effective communication doesn’t mean that you let other staff members take advantage of you or belittle you. It simply means being able to put forth your best efforts to work well with others. You are all committed to providing patients with quality care. This can’t be accomplished if you have issues of communication standing in the way. 

Most issues that arise from communication is assuming you know what the other person means or what they will say. Make sure that you reflect back what is being said to you by other staff members. This way any misconceptions can be resolved up front before they escalate into major issues that affect everyone’s work performance. Since we all spend so many hours at our place of employment, it is very important to make it a comfortable place to be. 

Your passion for something affects you in the same way steam can forcefully move a locomotive. This is why the most successful leaders will make it a point to inspire moments of passion and enthusiasm in their followers. When a person makes it a point to mix his/her passion into their work, no longer can it seem difficult or monotonous.

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Article Body:
I'd like to write a few lines here to tell about a quite valuable concept that I read about while browsing a very educational website. The concept I'm referring to is that of following your passion. Let me start by saying that a person's passion will arouse and inspire him/her to put effective effort into action. And the enthusiasm from this inspiration is in fact contagious. It will vitally affect all with whom this persons comes into contact. Your passion for something affects you in the same way steam can forcefully move a locomotive. This is why the most successful leaders will make it a point to inspire moments of passion and enthusiasm in their followers. When a person makes it a point to mix his/her passion into their work, no longer can it seem difficult or monotonous. The passion will literally energize that person's entire mind and body so much so that he/she requires half the usual amount of sleep and will perform two to three times more effectively in a given period. Passion is also the vital force that recharges people when they have become fatigued. A person without passion is like a battery without electricity. When a person is full of passion, you notice his/her dynamic personality. It's true that some people are born with natural enthusiasm while others simply don't seem to be able to find it within themselves. However, it's really quite simple to to develop passionate enthusiasm. Initially, you must employ yourself in doing the work you enjoy; preferably that which you enjoy most. Then you do something which most people never indulge themselves in doing: set your sights on the really fun things that would make your ideal vacation feel like heaven. When a person works at things about which he/she is passionate, there will be a natural reaction that gives that person more "inner-fuel" and resources to reach higher goals. The combination of these things in anyone's life naturally creates an unmistakable enthusiasm in that person. Start today, and pursue the things that fill you with passion, and you'll experience a different you. After all, it's what you're meant to do.

I hope this information inspires you to find and follow your passion.
Joe Clinton.

Build family communication and togetherness by having a weekly toy game hobby night. It is so easy these days to let work, school, and the business of life rule the day, that we can easily lose touch with each other. If we get together one night each week for a toy game hobby night, we can rekindle those family ties.

Those families with small children will probably focus more on the toy aspect of the toy game hobby night. Take the time to get down on the floor and play with those youngsters. Cuddle those dollies and call yourself "grandma" or "grandpa." Push those trucks around and pretend right along with the kids. If your back can take it, let them take turns riding you like a horse while you crawl around and neigh. Every kid loves that!

On summer evenings, try toy game hobby night in the sand box at the park. Using an old mesh produce bag, collect a variety of suitable sand toys to take along. These toys include various containers, a few wheeled vehicles, toy garden tools, and cast-off kitchen utensils. In the sandbox with your kids, you can create towns with roads, castles, or just about anything.

Modeling dough is also a great activity for toy game hobby night. Collect some small cookie cutters and old jar lids (for pans) and create fancy cookies and desserts - inedible and calorie-free, of course! The kids can turn a large box on it's side for a counter and place the goodies on display to sell. Of course, you'll pretend to buy, eat, and enjoy!

Some fun games for family night include card games like Uno, board games like Candy Land or Life, and dominoes. When choosing games to play there are several things to consider. Is Scrabble, for instance, fun for everyone, or does all the spelling and thinking feel like work to some of the players? Does the game take forever to play, so that some players' attention spans play out? Does the game encourage merciless competition, like Monopoly, leaving losers feeling left out? It's important for kids to learn how to lose and still have fun. Don't "throw" the game, intentionally letting them win all the time, but don't mercilessly beat them every time either. Make it fun. If losing is a problem for some of the kids, check out some of the new cooperative games where everyone is on the same team.

Hobbies are also great to share as a family. Maybe your family would be interested in pursuing musical skills together. Families make great singing groups because their voices match well. If that's not for you, maybe you'd all enjoy fishing. Square dancing is fun for some families, while others enjoy playing badminton or other active games and sports. The important thing is to have fun together.

Having a toy game hobby night every week will help you stay close to your kids as they grow up. It will keep the bond of love fresh and the lines of communication open. Plan a toy game hobby night this week!

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